Pedestrian crossing of the future unveiled in London to help tackle the one in four of all pedestrian** incidents recorded each year at UK crossings

  • 'The Smart Crossing’ unveiled in London is a world-first
  • The prototype technology, developed by Umbrellium for Direct Line, automatically differentiates between vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists adapting its markings and signals to their needs in real-time, ensuring a safer experience for all users
  • The prototype technology uses research from the Transport Research Laboratory
  • This is an example of how the over 7,000 incidents recorded at pedestrian crossings in the UK on a yearly basis could be addressed
  • The Smart Crossing has received positive feedback from road safety organisations such as Brake, PACTS and TRL

The world’s first responsive road crossing is being showcased in London today as a prototype solution, aimed at tackling the 7,000+ incidents* recorded each year at UK crossings between vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians.

Urban design technologists Umbrellium created the crossing for insurer Direct Line, in response to research which unearthed the dangers faced by Brits every week at pedestrian crossings. 

Many factors have been identified by Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) that impact the safety of pedestrians on road crossings. The pedestrian’s position and route as they cross the road, the influence of other pedestrians dangerously crossing the road and the impact of overcrowding at crossing facilities**, are all potentially hazardous occurrences that have informed the new technology.

The bespoke technology has been designed to mitigate some of the risks that pedestrians face at crossings. Potentially hazardous occurrences** including pedestrian position, crossing route, overcrowding and other pedestrian influence have all been considered using Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) insight data.

The Smart Crossing, which spans 22m of responsive road surface, uses computer vision technology to “see” exactly what’s happening around it, and an LED road surface to change its markings dynamically to keep users safe, without manual input. It can pre-empt pedestrians’ movement and where their eyeline is most likely to be, which help to ensure it grabs attention to limit danger.

   The Smart Crossing, which spans 7.5m x 22m, will:

  • Use computer vision technology to “see” exactly what’s happening around it, and an LED road surface to change its markings in real time to keep users safe
  • Widen to accommodate large groups, which could help in reducing the number of crowd related incidents outside schools or sporting events
  • Adapt to protect pedestrians in emergency situations, such as a child chasing a ball into the path of oncoming traffic
  • Provide warning signals for pedestrians walking across the road, to ensure they’re not ‘hidden’ by high sided vehicles which can cause a blind spot for other road users
  • Use dynamic road and pavement patterns to grab the attention of “smombies” (i.e. pedestrians engrossed in their mobile phones), urging them to ‘look up’ and focus on crossing the road safely and to make life safer for the ‘head down’ generation.

    Rachael Lynch, Innovation Marketing Manager at Direct Line said; "Direct Line develops high performance solutions to everyday challenges and our Smart Crossing is the latest example of this. We’ve developed a world-first piece of technology to address the problems that arise when pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles meet; at a pedestrian crossing.

    "Cities across the world are future proofing and we believe our model could be an essential part of everyday life. In a world where we are immersed in mobile technology, the Smart Crossing can pre-empt danger and urge pedestrians to look up before crossing a road.”

    The Smart Crossing is Direct Line’s second in a series of prototype projects that will explore how new approaches to modern problems can make life safer for all. The first, Fleetlights, used custom a Drone Swarm programming and a crone fleet carrying lights to create an intelligent light source that could safely illuminate the way home for drivers and walkers in parts of the country where artificial light provision is low. 

    Usman Haque, founding partner of Umbrellium, said; "This is an ongoing problem and we’ve developed a genuine solution. The Smart Crossing dynamically responds in real-time using technology which has been designed with colours that we know and understand and practical designs that help those on the crossing feel comfortable, confident and safe.

    This is about bringing pedestrian crossings up-to-speed with the rest of a modern-day city. Pedestrian crossings as we know them were made for a different age, when the human relationship with the city was completely different.

    Our prototype is waterproof, can hold the weight of vehicles and can recognise the difference between pedestrians, vehicles and cyclists – it’s ready to change the future of how we cross the road.”

    Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) who provided the research behind the Smart Crossing, backed the project by saying; “We would be happy to say that this is an interesting new idea that deserves further study. I’m sure you appreciate that we can only provide statements that are backed up by evidence from our research.”

    The technology has also received positive feedback from Jason Wakeford, Head of Campaigns at road safety charity, Brake, who said; “This innovative pilot is a great example of how technology can help to improve road safety. We look forward to seeing the results of this trial and hope Smart Crossings will be rolled out in towns and cities across the country." 

    Finally, David Davies, Executive Director at The Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS) confirmed; “PACTS welcomes this innovative contribution from Direct Line towards improving pedestrian safety.”


    For more information, interviews and supporting quotes from Brake and TRL, please contact Mischief on 0203 128 6607 or

    Notes to Editors

    Problems at pedestrian crossings and how Direct Line’s Smart Crossing has addressed them:

    Problem: Currently, pedestrian crossings cannot adapt to fluctuations in use.

  • The solution: ‘The Smart Crossing’ will widen to accommodate large groups, which could help in reducing the number of crowd related incidents, outside schools or sporting events.

     Problem: Pedestrians take unnecessary risks.

  • The solution: ‘The Smart Crossing’ will adapt to protect pedestrians in emergency situations, such as a child chasing a ball into the path of oncoming traffic.

     Problem: High sided vehicles (such as HGVs and buses) can obscure      the view of a crossing.

  • The solution: ‘The Smart Crossing’ lights a 1m radius around pedestrians walking across the road, to ensure they’re not ‘hidden’ by high sided vehicles which can cause a blind spot for other road users.

     Problem: Pedestrians are more distracted than ever.

  • The Solution: ‘The Smart Crossing’ uses colours to grab the attention of “smombies” (i.e. pedestrians engrossed in their mobile phones), urging them to ‘look up’ and focus on crossing the road safely and to make life safer for the ‘head down’ generation.

Road Safety Analysis

*Based on data from Road Safety Analysis who recorded 29,028 pedestrian casualties injured on or near a pedestrian crossing in Great Britain between 2011 and 2015


**Based on TRL literature review analysis of recent data

Direct Line 

Started in 1985, Direct Line became the first UK insurance company to use the telephone as its main channel of communication. It provides motor, home, travel and pet insurance cover direct to customers by phone or on-line.

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 Direct Line and UK Insurance limited are both part of Direct Line Insurance Group plc.

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