See our policies, statements and reports here

Download the Sustainability Report here

Our Approach

We continued to put in place sustainable initiatives to strengthen the business. We believe that by working sustainably we create value for all our stakeholders. Our five pillar sustainability strategy aligns to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs").

Our People

We stand for being a diverse and inclusive employer because attracting and retaining talented people powers our business forward. 

Our Planet

We stand for a greener planet because we're all in it together, it's our responsibility, and tackling climate change benefits our business, our people and society.

Our Customers

We stand for insurance excellence because positive customer outcomes mean we can grow our business. 


Our Society

We stand for being rooted in our communities because when they flourish so does our business.                                                                                                         

Our Governance

We stand for a competitive and strong financial services sector because it's essential to being successful.

Reports, Policies & Statements

We pride ourselves on transparency, recognising the value in providing data to help stakeholders understand our approach to ESG matters. 

External Ratings & Memberships

We support various initiatives aligned to our five pillar sustainability strategy, including a range of external partnerships where we play an active role and also receive performance ratings.