Home working building stronger communities

  • Nearly half (44 per cent) of urban residents say they have grown closer to their neighbours because of increased home working 
  • Over half (56 per cent) of urban residents feel safer in their area because of their neighbours
  • 91 per cent of adults in the UK say they know their neighbours, with a quarter knowing them well 
  • Cardiff is the UK’s most neighbourly city


New research1 from Churchill home insurance reveals working from home is helping to build stronger communities, particularly in urban areas where nearly half (44 per cent) of residents say home working has improved neighbourly relationships. Over half (56 per cent) of city dwellers feel safer in their neighbourhood because of their neighbours.

Seeing neighbours more frequently (50 per cent), receiving their help (46 per cent) and interacting with them when they have taken in a package (45 per cent) are the top reasons cited for growing trust amongst neighbours. 

Table 1 – The growth of trust amongst UK residents and their neighbours

Reason for increasing trust amongst neighbours Percentage 
I see them more frequently and we have built up a relationship 50 per cent
They have helped me out and proved they are trustworthy 46 per cent 
They have taken in my packages, and I have gotten to know them 45 per cent  
I have new neighbours I trust more than my previous neighbours 17 per cent 
They are vocal on our building / street WhatsApp group / Facebook page 14 per cent  

Source: Churchill Home Insurance 2025

Those living in urban areas claim to trust their neighbours most, with nearly three quarters (72 per cent) confident their neighbours would protect their home if a door was left open, while 86 per cent would trust their neighbours to inform them of any suspicious activity locally. Those in urban areas also rely on their neighbours for help and support, nearly half (48 per cent) trust their neighbour to look after their children in case of emergencies.

Table 2 – What UK residents trust their neighbours to do for them

UK residents trust their neighbours to:  Percentage 
Take in their parcels 87 per cent  
Help in case of a neighbourhood emergency 87 per cent 
Inform them if something suspicious is happening near their home 87 per cent  
Keep their information private 66 per cent 
Allow access to their home, to water the plants or feed a pet while on holiday 58 per cent  
To look after their children in case of emergencies 37 per cent 

Source: Churchill Home Insurance 2025

The research also revealed nine in 10 (91 per cent) people across the UK know their neighbours, with over a quarter (27 per cent) saying that they know most of them well. Almost a third (29 per cent) of UK residents have become friends with their neighbours, while just under half (48 per cent) say they will stop to chat if they see neighbours in the street.  

Almost half (46 per cent) interact with their neighbours at least once a week. On average one in seven people (14 per cent) speak with their neighbours very frequently, engaging multiple times a week, when looking at urban areas this is even higher, with one in five (18 per cent) doing so. 

Neighbours in Scotland and the East of England are on the best terms with a third (34 per cent) saying they are friends, the highest of all regions surveyed. The Northern Irish are the lowest, with just 21 per cent being friends with their neighbours. 

Overall, Cardiff is the most neighbourly city in the UK, closely followed by Edinburgh and Nottingham.

Table 3 – the UK’s most neighbourly cities


UK cities where people say that their neighbours would help out if needed



Cardiff 92 per cent 
Edinburgh 91 per cent
Nottingham 91 per cent 
Brighton 89 per cent
Southampton 89 per cent 
Birmingham 88 per cent
Leeds 88 per cent 
Liverpool 88 per cent
Plymouth 88 per cent 
Belfast 87 per cent
London 86 per cent 
Glasgow 85 per cent
Manchester 85 per cent 
Sheffield 83 per cent
Newcastle 82 per cent 
Norwich 81 per cent
Bristol 80 per cent 

Source: Churchill Home Insurance 2025

Sarah Khan, Head of Churchill Home Insurance, said: " Two fifth of workers in Britain2 partially or fully work from home, so it is great to see that home working has helped foster strong relationships with neighbours and an added sense of security. In our fast-paced world those relationships can play a vital role in building safe and supportive communities. From keeping an eye on your home, taking in your parcels or having a helping hand in an emergency, it’s great to have someone nearby or when needed that you can call upon quickly.”

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Notes to Editors

  1. ‌The research was conducted by Opinium on behalf of Churchill Insurance with a nationally representative sample of 2,000 UK adults between 25th - 29th October 2024. 

  1. Public opinions and social trends, Great Britain: working arrangements - https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/wellbeing/datasets/publicopinionsandsocialtrendsgreatbritainworkingarrangements

For further information please contact: 

Unni Henry

Churchill PR Manager

Email: unni.henry@directlinegroup.co.uk


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Churchill and U K Insurance Limited are both part of Direct Line Insurance Group plc.  

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