Direct Line Group reports its gender pay gap 2021
Direct Line Group has reported that as of April 2020 its mean gender pay gap stood at 17.2% up less than 1% on the previous year. The mean gender bonus gap was 47.9% up from 44.1% the previous year. The pay and bonus gaps reflect the disproportionate representation of women across certain areas and levels of the business.
Penny James, CEO at Direct Line Group commented, “Last year our gender pay gap widened by less than one percent, returning to similar levels as 2018. Although narrower than others in the finance industry, we want to see the gap close further, but we know that tackling a complex issue like this will take concerted action now to effect the medium to long term.
“The question I always ask the team is, regardless of whether the gap has gone up or down, are we doing the best we can to make real and lasting improvement? Will the programmes and measures we are putting in place today result in us seeing more women in senior roles in the future regardless of the inevitable short-term ups and downs along the way? And I believe the answer to both those questions is yes.
“The steps we are taking now mean we are heading in the right direction to narrow the gender pay gap for the long term.”
Amongst the additional steps that DLG took in 2021 to improve representation of women were:
- Setting a target of 35% women in senior leadership by the end of 2022
- Strengthening focus on senior succession planning and developing its female talent
- Launching a new diversity and inclusion strategy to push forward on DLG’s commitment in its broadest sense
- Offering all its people the support they needed to deal with lockdown, home schooling and caring.
To find out more and read the full report click here
For more information please contact:
Sally Dobson
Head of Corporate Communications
Direct Line Group
Mobile: 07385 386 274
Direct Line Insurance Group plc
Direct Line Group is headquartered in Bromley. Through its number of well-known brands the Group offers a wide range of general insurance products to consumers. These brands include Direct Line, Churchill and Privilege. The Group also provides insurance services for third parties through its partnership’s division, Direct Line Group Partnerships. In the commercial sector, the Group's NIG and Direct Line for Business operations offer insurance products for businesses distributed through brokers or direct, respectively.